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Ayurveda Wellness Coaching

Welcome to Ayurvedic Living, where ancient practices meet modern comfort. Our approach to health considers all aspects of your senses, from taste to touch, to improve your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Let us guide you on a journey towards a healthier and happier you.


We begin with a thorough assessment of your current lifestyle habits and routines.  

We consider-

  • Current health

  • What you eat

  • How you sleep

  • How you move your body

  • Your support systems

  • The symptoms you experience (gas, bloating, constipation, insomnia...)

  • Are you feeling anxious or overwhelmed?


Ayurvedic practice encompasses all aspects of life in this human body.  How we care for and nurture our body has effects on our psychological and emotional health.  It matters what you eat, how you sleep, who your friends are, what we view on social media.  Our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health is a deeply connected interaction that takes into consideration each of the ways we receive nutrients and information in to ourselves. 

I have created a Ayurveda Wellness Coaching plan.  The plan is based on the Ayurveda health practices followed for 

thousands of years in India.  This practical approach to health is simply ideal for observing and modifying any imbalances in our body.  When broken down, Ayurveda means Ayur-"Life" and Veda-"Knowledge".  When translated it means Knowledge of Life.











Image by Clay Banks

The 3 Doshas

Our Services

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